My brother is a good-looking guy with all of his hair, gainfully and long-term employed in a legitimate business, owns his own home, is on speaking terms with all of his kids and loves his mama. He’s also active, has many hobbies, knows how to cook (well), enjoys going out, has travelled the world and has all of his teeth. Plus, he smells pretty good, is handy with tools and gives great gifts. So why is he single you ask. Because he’s short and women are fucking shallow!
Men are shallow too, but in slightly different ways – when I was an online dater pretty much all men had something in their shopping list about the desired woman must not be a fat ass. Usually some sort of nice euphemism about being height-weight proportionate. I purposely did not include full-length photos in my profile. Not because I had anything to hide (no one should feel a need to hide anything), but because I wanted to see how fast I would be asked to provide proof that I wasn’t fat. A rapid test of depth in my book.
And my brother knows that his height is a detractor to women shopping for a man online so he doesn’t even try to put himself out there, sadly. Probably a lot of daters don’t try because of some perceived flaw they have that makes them believe they are undesirable. This is so sad to me.
But, I am a sapiophile and I can’t be the only one. It is definitely the mind and heart that are going to attract and keep me interested, not a flawless face or a huge bank account. Wealth, looks, possessions can all be transitory, but underlying character traits tend to last (good or bad). I just hope someone like me will find my brother and not in the weird incest-y way that sounds! Someone with depth is going to realize what a good catch he is and reel him in. He just needs to at least get out in the water. But the will to do that has to come from inside first – HE has to believe he is a good catch and nobody can do that internal work for him.